Clients & Testimonials

Happy clients and what they say about us

Let's Laugh programs have been enjoyed by thousands of participants in the corporate, health, education, government and community sectors, and with countless others through media, festival and conference presentations and appearances.     

Corporate Clients:

  • AGL
  • ANL Lighting / OZLite
  • Amcor
  • ANZ
  • ASAP Laboratory
  • Australian Department of Defence
  • Australian Institute of Radiologists
  • Australian Unity
  • Brite Services
  • CBA
  • Centre for Excellence in Child and FamilyWelfare
  • Crayola
  • Customised Training P/L
  • Eltham Child Care - All venues
  • Expanding Cultures Network
  • Grosvenor Management Consultants
  • Jim's Group
  • Joey Club - Childcare
  • Johns Lyng Group
  • Johnson and Johnson
  • Laughterworks Australia
  • Marble Expert Recruitment
  • Marriott Australia
  • Melbourne Comedy Festival Committee
  • Melbourne Office Supplies
  • Merck
  • Mettler Toledo
  • Mission Australia
  • Moose Toys
  • National Institute of Clinical Studies
  • Parentzone
  • Pronoia Inc
  • RACV
  • Railcorp - NSW
  • Sail Away
  • Salvation Army
  • SP Oznet
  • Swisse Wellness
  • Thales Australia
  • The Children's Centre - Mulgrave
  • TRUenergy
  • Wishlist Holdings
  • Workplace Training and Assessment Authority
  • Workplace Wellbeing
  • Worksafe Victoria
  • Youth Connect

Health Sector:

  • Anglicare
  • Arafemi
  • Arcare
  • Ashby Aged Care
  • Austin Hospital - Mental Health patients Parents and Carers support group.
  • Banksia Palliative Care
  • Bayside Aged Care
  • Bentleigh Community Health
  • Bridging the Gap
  • Bupa Health Care
  • Carer Respite Centre
  • Carers Victoria
  • Casey Community Support Centre
  • CleftPals Association
  • Delmont Private Hospital
  • Eastern Access Community Health
  • Eastern Health
  • Gateway Support Services
  • Gippsland Women's Health
  • Gracekabds Age Care Centre
  • Groundwork
  • GROW - Victoria/Tasmania
  • HACC - Home and Community Care
  • Keystone
  • Knox Community Health
  • Interchange
  • ISIS Community Health
  • Jewish Care
  • Martina Collective
  • Maroondah Breast Screen
  • Mental Health Fellowship
  • McCallum Disability Services
  • Mecwa Care
  • Melbourne Clinic
  • Meniere's Foundation
  • Mental Health Fellowship
  • Monash Medical Centre
  • Monash Community Health
  • MS Australia
  • NEPS
  • North Eastern Mental Health
  • Reach Out For Kids
  • Relationships Australia
  • Regis Age Care
  • Royal Flying Doctor Service
  • Royal Talbot Rehabilitation Hospital
  • Salford Park Age Care
  • SHARC - Self Help Addiction Resource Centre
  • Sunbury Community Health
  • Sunshine Palliative Care
  • Tera Firma (Mental Health Initiative)
  • The Royal Dental Hospital Melbourne
  • Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Org.
  • Western Health
  • Western Region Community Health
  • Zoo's Victoria

Education Sector:

  • Banksia Secondary College
  • Belmore School
  • Berwick Technical Education Centre
  • Box Hill Tafe
  • Brighton Grammar
  • Broadmeadows College
  • Camberwell Grammar
  • Clarinda Primary School
  • Cobbitty Primary School
  • Edgars Creek Secondary College
  • Elsternwick Primary School
  • Greenvale Secondary College
  • Keysborough College
  • Killester College
  • Kilvington Grammar
  • Koonung Secondary College
  • Latrobe University
  • Marsden Primary School - Qld
  • Monash University - Gipplsand, Berwick, Clayton Campuses
  • Methodist Ladies College
  • Mitcham Primary School
  • Mowbray College
  • Our Lady of Immaculate Conception
  • Presbyterian Ladies College
  • Reservoir High
  • RMIT
  • Saint Mary of the Assumption
  • Swinburne University of Technology
  • Thomastown Meadows Primary School
  • Toorak College
  • Torrens University
  • Trinity College
  • University of Melbourne 
  • Victoria University Secondary College
  • Wantirna College

Government Sector:

  • ACCC
  • Brimbank City Council
  • City of Casey
  • City of Darebin
  • City of Kingston
  • City of Maroondah
  • City of Stonnington
  • City of Waverley
  • City of Whitehorse
  • City of Whittlesea
  • Department of Defense
  • Department of Veterans Affairs
  • DHS - Box Hill
  • DHS - Victoria
  • Glenroy City Council
  • Hume City Council
  • Ku-ring-gai Council - NSW
  • Manningham City Council
  • Naracoorte Council
  • Ombudsman's Offices - Public Transport and Telecommunications
  • Victorian Aboriginal Child Care Agency
  • Victorian Department of Corrections
  • Victorian Mental Health Fellowship
  • Whitehorse City Council
  • Yarra Ranges Council

Community Sector:

  • Asylum Seekers Support Centre
  • Barwon Prison (staff)
  • Botanic Gardens Retirement Village
  • Donvale Retirement Village
  • Legacy
  • Life Activities Group - various Groups
  • LIONS Clubs of Australia
  • Melbourne City Mission (including Dame Phyllis Frost Women's Centre)
  • Mitcham Community House
  • Mooroopna Education and Activity Centre
  • National Carers
  • National Seniors
  • Pascoe Vale Gardens Retirement Centre
  • Pines Living and Learning Centre
  • Probus - Australia - Bron has spoken at over 300 clubs!
  • Road Trauma Support Services Vict.
  • Rotary Groups across Victoria
  • Royal Flying Doctor Service NSW branch
  • RSL
  • Saint Vincent De Paul Society
  • Tecoma / Sherbrooke Cottage
  • The Avenue Neighbourhood House
  • Uniting Care Community Options
  • University of the Third Age (U3A)
  • Volunteering Victoria
  • VIEW - various groups
  • War Widows Guild
  • Waterfall Valley Lakes Retirement Centre
  • Wonga Park Community Centre


  • Diwalli Festival - Melbourne
  • Lights Festival - Art Festival
  • Melbourne Comedy Festival - Launch
  • Mind Body and Spirit Festival - Melbourne
  • Sustainable Living Festival - Melbourne
  • New South Wales Rural Women's Gathering - Wentworth (2010)
  • South Australia Rural Women's Gathering - Penola (2012), Port Pirie (2013)
  • Whitehorse Spring Festival


  • ABC -Melbourne / Hobart / Brisbane / Sydney
  • Channel 31
  • NOVA fm
  • Radio NZ
  • RMIT Student Radio
  • SBS
  • SEA fm
  • various pod-casts


  • Diabetic Living
  • Mindfood Magazine
  • RACV Magazine
  • The Australian
  • The Age


  • Creating Delight - connecting gratitude, humour and play for all ages
  • The Home Therapist - University of QLD Press
  • Using Humor To Maximise Living
  • The Awe Factor

What some of our clients have said about Let's Laugh programs

I wasn't too sure what to expect.  Laughter sounded just a bit trivial, but the way you presented the facts, provided the evidence, and had everyone, staff and clients alike, laughing was an inspiration and a delight.  Hopefully we'll see you at all the other groups. - Kim - Support Worker. MS Society

You are a ray of sunshine in a difficult time.  Thank you for making us laugh and appreciating that we all experience a range of emotions and that that is OK.  I'll be sharing smiley fingers and celebrating achievements from now on regardless of how hard the day is.  You have brought a smile to my face.  (Hug)  Margaret - participant, community diabetes program - Melton

I may never take health and well-being seriously again.  Oh, that's not right, I will take it seriously by not taking it so seriously.  I was so disappointed when the session ended.  Shoulders back, big breath in, smile on, laugh out.  LOVE IT!   Kelly, Lawyer, Melbourne based international law firm.

It's the science behind the smile approach that sets Let's Laugh apart from other laughter and wellbeing presenters.  A bit of fun is good, but it was the way you presented the facts, the stats, the truth, about why we should maintain the strategies that made us realise the true value of what you teach.  All laughter and humour presenters should be so good! and so funny.  - Peter - HR Manager - Accounting and Investment ‘in-house' Conference - Sydney

This is a belated but heartfelt thank you for your valuable participation in the World Haemophilia Foudation Global NMO Training.  Though I was unfortunately not on-site to witness it, colleagues and participants alike have been telling me how much they enjoyed your icebreaker activity.  Everyone said it was a lot of fun and the perfect way to kick off our training.  I am particularly grateful for your careful consideration of the mobility limitations of our participants.  I appreciate that you took the time to ask questions and provide safe and adaptable movements for all.  Really outstanding. Nicola Hope - Program Coordinator, Twinning and Global NMO - World Federation of Haemophilia

I have been hanging out for this!    Beck - ANL Lighting / OZLite(We have now run 3 worshops for OZLite.)

That was fun as always and I hate to be the one to have to break it to you, when we discuss which speakers or topics we should be looking at for the next year you come up pretty much at the top of the list, so yes, we'll be seeing you again!  Jeann, coordinator - Melton Diabetes Support Group (Bron has been back to this group several times and was overjoyed to be able to see them in person in 2022)

It was such a blast.  I am at Williamstown Hospital today and just met one of the volunteers who attended your session last week at Footscray Hospital.  She told me the session was wonderful.  They're still talking about it.  You were fantastic.  I've been making people smile with your smiley badges - thank you so much for leaving them with me.  Keep up the good work.  Your 'keep it simple' method is wonderful and gets people up and about and actually participating.  I only wish I'd had a camera on me when everyone was talking to the fingers etc, that was a hoot.  Thank you again for a fantastic morning. - Denise Claessen - Coordinator of Volunteers - Western Health

Just a quick not to say thanks!  I loved it.  I was at the Road Trauma Support Services Victoria educators meeting you presented on Saturday. My biggest take home was about the power of imagination.  I loved it so much I gave you a plug on my online coaching membership program.  Have a great day and thanks again.  Majella Ballard - NLP Practitioner, Coach and Success Strategist. 

I just wanted to thank you for your presentation today.  I think you would have been quite chuffed to see 96 year 10 students wearing their bright yellow smiley badges while completing a project this afternoon.  A few teachers who attended your session this morning kept saying to the students "Now take a minute to turn and deep breath and smile at your partner, before you commence your next activity."  The kids did it with a great deal of good humour!  Thanks again.  - Robyn Hughes - Senior School Leader - Keysborough College. 

On behalf of the team at Marble Expert Recruitment Group I would just like to say what an absolute joy it was to participate in your session.
Your enthusiasm and contagious happiness kept our whole team laughing from Thursday am through to Friday night.
Thank you so much for putting a smile on our faces and we hope we can continue our laughter practice when volunteering with the Camp Quality Children next week. All the best in your future sessions, Madelyn and the Marble Expert Recruitment Group.

On behalf of the Grampians Regional Palliative Care Team (GRPCT) I would like to thank you for your on-going support, in particular the role you played at the "It Doesn't Hurt When I Laugh - Hope, humour and color at the end of life' conference.  You touched the lives of everyone in the room with your wonderful personality and outlook on life.  Feedback about the conference, venue and the speakers was very positive and the enthusiasm from the participants was overwhelming.  The ongoing discussions about hope and end of life have continued.  Once again I would like to express my gratitude for your contribution as we strive for better palliative care practice in the Grampians region.  Jade Odgers - Manager GRPCT

On behalf of the Meat and Livestock Association (MLA) and the North West Meat Profit Day organising committee I would like to thank you for your contribution to the North West NSW Meat Profit Day.  Your presentation contributed to the breath and depth of information delivered on the day, in a program developed to suit the needs of local producers.  Feedback was very positive with 93% of attendees saying they learned something new and 63% planning to make changes to their businesses as a result of attending our event.  We thank you for your valuable contribution to what proved to be a valuable day for our livestock producers. - Will Banks, Producer Events & Spoonsorship Cooridinator - MLA

I just want to say thank you so much for the workshop last week, my team are still  talking about it and giving each other high fives in the hallway.  It's something that many staff have not done before but they all enjoyed it and said they would love to have you out again.  Take care and I'm sure I'll see you again in the future -  Rachael Klinger - The Children's Centre - Mulgrave.     

I would like to express our appreciation for your presentation at the general meeting of the Mont Albert Probus.  What you present is unique and we can feel the positve benefits of your presence when you adress the room.  You clearly enjoy bringing laughter to people and please continue your very generous vocation.  Several members have contacted me with messages of how much they enjoyed your presentation. - Lance Garraway - Mont Albert Probus

You will be pleased to know that I arrived home with a smile on my face. Many of our members have told me how much they enjoyed your informative, lively and HAPPY talk.  I realise now that you have given your talk to other PROBUS clubs and I hope you don't mind if I give your details to friends clubs in areas further away.  I know the more people that hear you, the HAPPIER they will be.  Thank you for being our July speaker. - Pat Stewart - Ladies Club of Doncaster Central. (Bron has now visited this club 3 times)

‘Bronwyn is energetic, enthusiastic, and adaptable to a variety of different environments. Facilitating a laughing session for people that had never engaged in this activity before was a nerve-racking experience but Bronwyn’s approach to running the class immediately relaxed the group and myself.  Before we knew it the session was over and we all wanted to keep on laughing.  Thanks for being a great instructor, friendly, interesting and funny!' - Laura Carthew - Monash University Arts Student - Light Project Laughter session

I've had quite a few laughs since the session yesterday.  I told 2 of my colleagues the story you told about the person who "laughs inwards" and we had a cracker of a laugh.  Your ho ho, ha ha ha is working and makes me smile.  It makes the staff around me laugh as well - they probably think I'm crazy but they know the background! It was a pleasure meeting you.  Cheers and keep smiling, I would love to have the gift of laughing at all times. Cheers to a happy world. - Dinesh Patel - Lending Operations Manager - Mortgages - Australian Unity Investments

Just a quick note to say thankyou for your outstanding talk on Friday.  I was told you were good and you didn't disapoint.  Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the session.  Keep up the good work. - S. Balding - Templestowe Probus

Bron brings humour, fun and the guarantee of laughter into everything she does. Her 'no laugh / no fee' guarantee is pretty safe.  I can't imagine, no matter what the subject or how sceptical the participant, that anyone would be able to hold back the laughter in one of her brilliant workshops.  She really is the expert when it comes to learning through laughter' - Bill Antray - Melbourne workplace trainer

Thank you so much for your presentations at the school - they were hilarious! and informative! It was wonderful to see the girls laughing with each other and taking a bit to time just to be silly. - The Bright Stars Team. Prebysterian Ladies College - Melbourne

Toorak College is a school that proudly supports proactive and preventative strategies that promote the benefits of health and wellbeing in students, staff, parents and members of the wider community.  Laughter Yoga compliments our approach to student wellbeing. Bron Roberts (the Laughter Lady) is a highly energetic instructor who is clearly passionate about the wellbeing of young people. Bron is a well regarded and popular professional in her field who as the innate ability to combine science with laughter.  We look forward to inviting her back to our school in the new year. - Kelly O'Brien - MAPS - Education Psychologist - Toorak College, Mt Eliza

Thank you so much again for sharing your laughter program at the Carers Repite Expo. The feedback from your session is so positive and many people have mentioned how much they benefited from having the opportunity to laugh and learn a little about the benefits of laughter.  - Janice Parfit - Project Worker - Uniting Care Community Options

Thank you so much for the session last week.  The feedback has been nothing but positive and we look forward to having you work with us again. - Andrea Jackson - Health Wellbeing and Development, Student and Community Services - Clayton University, Berwick Campus

Hellooo Bronwyn, Lucky for me that I love to laugh and chose to attend your workshop at the Wentworth Women's Gathering weekend. What fun you are!  Best thing about your session is that you share all the stats, facts, stories and examples to back up what you say.  Now I can pass all this on to my family and friends and at work.  I came on Sunday night and immediately felt the need to share my ‘smiley face finger' activity with my family.  How funny we all were by the end of the evening with all 8 of us having conversations to our fingers and roaring with laughter the whole time! Thank you, thank you, thank you. - Ellen Day - Drought Worker - Centacare - Broken Hill  (as a follow up to this presentation Ellen recommended Let's Laugh to the Mental Health Team of the NSW Royal Flying Doctor, who later invited her to join them on their mental health road shows)

Thank you, thank you, thank you for being a part of the Murrumbeena Relay for life!!!  Your contribution to the event was greatly appreciated.  Because of your efforts keeping the participant entertained and motivated, being a part of our special ceremonies and helping us create a fun, festive atmosphere - we have teams signed up for next year already!!  Thank you for helping us make a difference in the fight against cancer. - Natalie Livsey - Relay For Life Co-ordinator (Albert Park, Moonee Valley, Murrumbeena and Shapparton - Cancer Council Victoria)

I can't believe you got them all up and laughing, when most of the group doesn't speak any English and you don't speak Karen (Kayan - Burmese - Myanmar).  That is true talent.  It's so lovely to see everyone getting so into the laughter. You had them eating (or laughing) out of your hand with just sign language and laughter.  Amazing! Thank you SO MUCH! - Beverley - Care Worker (Karen group) Hoppers Crossing

...... We intially invited the Governor General as a keynote speaker..... unfortunately she was engaged elsewhere for the weekend and was unable to attend. To replace the Governor General in this prime position we needed someone who could be used in a workshop and slot neatly into a speaking/entertainment segment at short notice. Bronwyn Roberts of 'Let's Laugh' was just the person.  She was professional, funny, well priced and able to be used anywhere in the program of a one-off engagement. She proved to be the triumph card needed to close the gathering. She was well worth the expenditure committed and the decision to engage her as one of the two 'non locals' in the program was a positive. From the Wentworth Rural Women's Gathering final report:  Point 6.5 - Entertainment and Speaker

I would not have thought it possible! Meditation never works for me, but for 3 hours during your program my mind was totally at peace.  I love the way you had no rules, the way you showed us different techniques and taught us how to work out what works for us.  I've been doing 10 minutes of meditation every morning since your session and I'm so much calmer so much less anxious.  It really is quite amazing. - Peter Dobson - international student - RMIT

At every meditation class I've ever been to the teacher tells us how hard meditation is and how long it took them to master it, so I give up right then and there.  But you, how simple did you make it.  OK I might never be able to meditate for 2 hours but 10 minutes, a snap.  All meditation teachers should be so good. - Amanda K - Professional Palliative Carer support staff member, Gippsland

More feedback from our Meditation classes can be found on our Meditation Program page.

Many, many thanks for your delightful presentation at the Rotary Club of Oakleigh last week.  It was well received and the feedback is very good.  Once again, my apologies for the short notice and thank you for accepting our request.  I look forward to our next contact and experiencing another of your sessions.  - Jacqueline Gleeson - RC Oakleigh - Vocational Foundation Chair - PR - RAM Co-ordinator

Thank you so much.  That was a brilliant session.  I haven't laughed so much in a long time, my work is rather stressful.... and.... I also have to admit, just quietly, that that's the first 'in-service training session' that I haven't fallen asleep in a very long time! -  Anne - Social Worker and Youth Liaison Officer, State Government (branch with held on request for obvious reasons)

You are honestly the best speaker we have ever had.  Thank you so much for sharing your passion and expertise with us!  We are still laughing!  - Eleane - Eley Park Community Club. Melbourne

I was skeptical at first and a little worried about what the staff would think, but once you got started.....  I loved the way you make health and wellbeing seem so simple and had no hard and fast rules to follow.  Feedback from the staff has been very positive and I hope to get the chance to work with you again in the not to distant future. - Andrea - Education Department of Queensland

After the session on Friday I continued trying some of the techniques that were mentioned and it does seem to make a difference!  I'll continue with the techniques, but, so far so good! - Paul Bateman, Program Manager, Air Operations, Thales Group

I was a little worried leading up to the event that staff would be hesitant to participate, but after a few warm up exercises and some interesting and funny facts about laughter from you, the staff were enjoying themselves and more than happy to participate.  You had a great warmth and staff were quickly comfortable letting their playful side shine through and having a laugh at themselves.  After the session I felt great for the rest of the day and am now a firm believer of the 15 minutes of laughing every day.  I have had a lot of positive feedback from staff after the program and they were happy to have tried something a little different and a little bit out of their comfort zone!  Thank you again for a fantastic program, we look forward to having you again in the future.  I have passed your details onto the Metropolitan Remand Centre who were interested after conversations some of our staff were having with them, so there may be a few more opportunities down the track. - Sheree Smith - A/Executive Officer - HM Prison Barwon

And a few personal comments from our many participants:

That was wonderful, you are wonderful - Thank you.  Justin, teacher, Sydney

You said you weren't a comedian.  Well, you do a pretty good imitation!  Paul, Government employee, Canberra

You are a ray of sunshine.  Thank you.  Mary, president, Probus Club

You are the most engaging speaker we've had in a very long time.  Edna, resident, retirement village in Melbourne's eastern suburbs.

I haven't laughed so much since before my husband died.  Thank you for bringing laughter back.  June, Ringwood Probus

I wasn't going to come today.  I though laughter, 'no thank you' but I had to bring Mrs Barlow so I decided to help out in the kitchen but all the laughter brought me back into the hall.  I was thinking 'how is someone getting that grumpy lot to laugh so loud?'  I had to see what was going on.  I'm so pleased I did.  You are a breath of fresh air and so informed on your topic.  Thank you so much.  Mrs Eaden, Balwyn Community Group

I've run businesses all my life.  I've always known that keeping people happy and laughing was good for my staff and for my business.  Why aren't there more people out there doing what you do?  It's wonderful.  Adam, Templestowe Probus

You should try to get work as a trainer.  You're very good you know and I should know, I was a school headmaster for 18 years back in England.   Collin.  President, Probus Club, Sydney.   (I didn't share that that is how I make my living :)  )


About Let’s Laugh

Creators of inspirational workshops and presentations

that explore emotional and physical wellbeing 

through the neuroscience of Laughter, Mindfulness,

Breath Work, and our unique SMILE Project ® 

range of mobility based programs.



          PO Box 1012
          Blackburn North
          Vic 3130

          0421 335 197